Friday, May 13, 2016

11 Studies That Prove E-Cigs Shouldn't be Classified as Tobacco Products

Today Aspen Valley Vapes shared a great infographic listing 11 major studies that prove e-cigarettes shouldn't be classified as tobacco products ... THANK YOU Aspen Valley Vapes... Nicely done!

To share this infographic on your social sites... click

Please continue to contact your representatives and urge them to cosponsor and Support HR2058!

Find all the Coalition links and ways you can help the fight

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Tuesday, March 1, 2016


4 years ago today I made the best decision of my life. I quit smoking and turned to Vaping.

I was a pack a day smoker for 24 years. I smoked my last analog cigarette on March 1st, 2012... 14 days prior to my 40th birthday. I would not/could not have done this without my e-cig. 
I was introduced to Vaping by a friend in February of 2012 and will forever be grateful.
